
Xenowerk Tactics first week roundup

Xenowerk Tactics first week roundup

It’s been a very busy week here at Pixelbite. First we want to give a big thanks to everyone who has supported us and bought Xenowerk Tactics! It is tough times out there for premium games and we couldn’t do this without you.

We have gotten loads of feedback from you and the most requested feature so far is a higher difficulty mode. That and few other things are being looked at for upcoming updates.

Our friends over at Localize Direct put together an interview piece about us and translations. Check it out:

And yes, we have begun working on the next Space Marshals game. 🙂


  1. Shahzad

    Can we have a mode where we can get the team to full Exposure and can uncover the whole map at our own pace without worrying about triggering the endgame?

  2. Vlad

    Wow guys, it’s such a blessing to hear that you continue to work on a premium high quality games and you still in the business in that difficult time for premium game developers like yourself.
    I admire your job and thank you for your games!

  3. Naveed Aslam

    I can’t find the game on play store… 🙁

    1. Pixelbite

      Hi Naveed, the game requires Android 7 and OpenGL ES 3.0 or higher. If your device meet these requirements please contact us at and we’ll assist you from there.

  4. Arnarix

    Очень приятно знать, что Вы делаете третью часть космических маршалов. Эта серия игр по истине легендарна и является лучшим творением среди всех игр на Android, разумеется по моему мнению. Очень жду Space Marshals 3 и надеюсь, что эта игра оправдает ожидания, чего, к моему огромному сожалению, не случилось с Xenowerk Tactics.

  5. Rock

    Игра очень хорошая вышла, планируются ли к ней обновления (дополнения)?

  6. Jimmy

    Space Marshal 3? I can’t wait anymore.

  7. James

    Hey are you guys going to add a Level maker feature to space marshals 3? I would love to see one.

  8. Dozer

    You devs realize the 5 days forced sudden termination of the game because of max faction max is pissing off players right? You guys realize players do not care about what the devs vision of the game should be and that we just want to play in how ever way we please?
    Game should get a 5 star rating but instead will get nuked with 1 star because of this 5 days bs.
    I call this rating fair enough for now.. until the game get patched.

    1. Pixelbite

      There is an “exploration mode” option incoming in the next update, which will let players continue a campaign after the story has concluded. It will also be possible to convert any previously ended campaign into this mode.

  9. RobertNeins

    This is my firs post here 🙂

  10. Cuz

    Wow,glad to hear that you haven’t forgotten the space marshals.I am so excited to wait for the game coming.Hope Time flies~~

  11. Jan galang

    There is a bug in exposure sickness its jumping to people that are not deployed I cannot deploy my lvl5 s because of this help plzzz